Saturday, April 24, 2010

Meet the Author -- Cindy Stees Oldham

Cindy Stees Oldham has been writing fiction, nonfiction, and doing freelance writing publications for over fifteen years.
Mrs. Oldham has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration. Throughout her life she has been in leadership positions within her church, in the political arena, for a national writers organization, and nonprofit government programs.
She lives in the Central Florida area with her husband and is surrounded by her daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and grandson.
You may contact her at

Meet the Author -- Jenny Stees

Jenny Stees started her writing career working on Medieval novels, but frequently branches into other genres.
Ms. Stees has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and has taught countless students since 1994. Her fourth grade classes have inspired her to create a line of children's books that occasionally features her pet poodle. A resident of Central Florida for over twenty years, she held the position of Editor for a political newsletter, and taught religious education within her church. She is a member of Who's Who of America's Teachers for 2005. You can contact her at

Meet The Author -- Vicky Stees Ennis

Vicky Ennis was happy to join her two sisters in the venture of writing some of their early childhood memories.
Mrs. Ennis attended Bible College studying religious and church leadership. Throughout her life she has held positions of leadership within her church.
Vicky and husband, Cliff, still live in their hometown in northwestern Illinois, spending their winters in Alabama and Florida. They are the parents of four children and ten grandchildren. She enjoys staying home writing, doing needlework, and being around her family. You can contact her at

Friday, April 16, 2010

Our Parents - George & Edith

This is one of many pictures we have of our parents from the 1950's. I think it shows the times very well. Our Dad was an interior/exterior painter all his life. He eventually started his own business and was successful at it for many years. He later turned the business over to one of our brothers and went to work painting for one of the hospitals in the area. That's where he was until he retired.
Our Mom was a stay-at-home mother for many years. I guess during our early years. She didn't go to work anywhere outside the home until my twin sister and I were in our second year of high school. She went to work at a local factory and worked until she retired sometime in her mid to late sixties.
They are the reason we wanted to write and share our childhood memories with everyone. We had good times growing up and shared our lives with their siblings and families. Our Dad came from a family of eight children and our Mom came from a family with nine children. So there were lots and lots of cousins for us to play with. We recently counted that we had 52 first cousins at one time. So we always had someone to play with if our siblings were busy. Family was very important to our parents. We spent time together learning as a family and that gave us the blueprint we took and developed our families from.